Breathing control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific body postures. Relaxation meets fitness.
Anyone can practice yoga, no matter the fitness level. The postures are structured to allow students to progress from basic to more challenging poses, and by doing so, they gain flexibility, better postures, and grow calm. Non-competitive class: “no pain-no pain”. Poses can always be modified to the students’ needs. Even after just one class, students feel lighter, refreshed and invigorated. Mats and props are available to aid students.

Judi Freedman
Dedicated to her Y students, Judi teaches at the Y exclusively to provide the ultimate class experience
Classes Taught
Silver Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Pilates
Years of Experience
Certified instructor since 2006 through AAAI in Atlantic City
PLEASE NOTE: Our facility and fitness classes require CLEAN SHOES. Clean shoes are not just new shoes, but shoes that have never been worn outside. Walking across the parking lot drags in tar, stones, dirt, snow, and salt.